
The term mental disorder is sometimes used to refer to what is more frequently known as psychological disorders or psychiatric disorders. Mental diseases are patterns of behavioral or psychological symptoms that affect multiple areas of life. These disorders produce distress for the person experiencing these symptoms. Some common Mental health disorders have been discussed in the following list.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Neurodevelopmental complications are those that are typically diagnosed during childhood, puberty, or adolescence. These psychological disorders include:

     Intellectual disability:  It was previously referred to as mental retardation. This type of developmental disorder begins before the age of 18 and is described by limitations in both intellectual functioning and adaptive behaviors.

     Communication disorders are those that impact the capacity to use, understand, or detect language and speech. The DSM-5 recognizes four different subtypes of communication disorders: language disease, speech sound disorder, childhood-onset fluency disorder (stuttering), and social (pragmatic) communication disorder.

     Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by persistent deficiencies in social interaction and communication in multiple life areas as well as limited and repeated patterns of behaviors. The DSM defines that symptoms of autism spectrum disorder must be present during the early developmental period and that these symptoms must cause marked impairment in essential regions of life, including social and occupational functioning.

     Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is defined by a persistent pattern of hyperactivity-impulsivity and inattention that conflicts with functioning and presents itself in two or more settings such as at home, work, school, and social situations. The DSM-5 defines that several of the symptoms must have been present before the age of 12 and that these symptoms must hurt social, occupational, or academic functioning.

     Global developmental delay is an examination of developmental inabilities in children who are under the age of five. Such delays correlate to cognition, social functioning, speech, language, and motor skills. It is usually seen as a temporary diagnosis applying to kids who are still too growing to take standardized IQ tests. Once children enter the age where they can take a standardized intelligence test, they may be diagnosed with an intellectual disability.

Bipolar and Related Disorders

Bipolar disorder is characterized by alterations in mood as well as differences in activity and energy levels. The disease often incorporates feeling shifts between elevated moods and periods of depression. Such high moods can be proclaimed and are related to either mania or hypomania.

     Mania is defined by a distinct period of elevated, communicative, or irritable mood accompanied by enhanced activity and energy. Periods of mania are sometimes distinguished by feelings of distress, irritability, and excessive confidence. People experiencing mania are also more inclined to engage in activities that might have negative long-term results, such as betting and shopping sprees.

     Depressive episodes are distinguished by feelings of a depressed or sad mood, along with a lack of engagement in activities. It may also include feelings of guilt, exhaustion, and irritation. During a depressive phase, people with bipolar disorder may miss interest in activities that they beforehand enjoyed, experience sleeping troubles, and even have thoughts of self-destruction.

Both manic and depressive events can be terrifying for both the person experiencing these symptoms as well as family, friends, and other loved ones who see these behaviors and mood shifts. Fortuitously, appropriate and effective treatments, which often include both medications and psychotherapy can help people with bipolar disorder successfully control their symptoms.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety disorders are those that are identified by excessive and persistent fear, despair, anxiety, and related behavioral disturbances. Fear involves an emotional acknowledgment of a threat, whether that threat is real or observed. Anxiety includes the anticipation that a future risk may appear.

Types of anxiety disorders comprise:
     Generalized anxiety disorder is distinguished by excessive worry about everyday experiences. While some stress and worry are a natural and even common part of life, it involves fear that is so extreme that it conflicts with a person's well-being and functioning.
     Agoraphobia is defined by a definite fear of a wide range of public sites. People who feel this disorder often fear that they will undergo a panic attack in a setting where escape might be hard. Because of this scare, those with agoraphobia usually evade circumstances that might trigger an anxiety attack. In some cases, this escape behavior can reach a point where the individual is helpless even to forget their own home.
     Social anxiety disorder is a relatively general psychological disorder that affects an unreasonable fear of being watched or judged. The anxiety produced by this disorder can have a significant impact on an individual's life and make it hard to work at school, work, and other social settings.
     Specific phobias include excessive fear of a particular object or situation in the environment. Some examples of common particular phobias include the fear of spiders, fear of heights, or fear of snakes. The four main types of special phobias involve natural events (thunder, lightning, tornadoes), medical (medical procedures, dental procedures, medical equipment), animals (dogs, snakes, bugs), and situational (small spaces, leaving home, driving). When faced by a phobic thing or situation, people may encounter nausea, trembling, accelerated heart rate, and even a phobia of dying.
     Panic disorder is a psychiatric disorder distinguished by panic attacks that often seem to strike out of the blue and for no cause at all. Because of this, people with panic disorder usually experience anxiety and distraction over the likelihood of having another panic attack. People may start to avoid situations and settings where attacks have occurred in the past or where they might happen in the future. This can create notable impairments in many areas of everyday life and make it difficult to carry out regular habits.
     Separation anxiety disorder is a sort of anxiety disorder, including an excessive amount of fear or anxiety related to being isolated from attachment figures. People are often familiar with the concept of separation anxiety as it links to young children's fear of being apart from their parents. Still, older children and adults can encounter it as well. When symptoms become so critical that they interfere with normal functioning, the individual may be diagnosed with a detachment anxiety disorder. Symptoms involve an extreme fear of being away from the caregiver or attachment figure. The person suffering these symptoms may avoid moving away from home, going to school, or getting married to remain close to the attachment figure.



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