
Bobbi Kristina Brown Estate Battle Looms: Whitney Houston's and Bobby Brown's Families Feud Over Net Worth and ControlKristina Brown Bobbi, daughter of the late Houston Whitney, has shown few signs of improvement after being found face-down in her bathtub at her Georgia home on Saturday. However, she was likely without oxygen for at least several minutes and that means there’s a definite probability of diminished brain function. As a result, the Brown family made the decision to move her from North Fulton Hospital in Roswell to Emory University Hospital in Atlanta. Emory is one of the best neurological facilities in the country and it’s more equipped to handle potential brain problems like Bobbi’s. According to reports, the move didn’t go very well. In fact, it caused even more of a rift between the Browns and the Houstons.

Now the two families have been sparring over who has the right to see Bobbi and who gets special access to that particular part of the hospital. There’s even talk that Bobbi’s father, Bobby Brown, has tried to deny entrance to her husband, Nick Gordon—if Gordon really is her husband. A new statement from the Brown family lawyer seems to indicate that the pair may never have been legally hitched. Their attorney, Christopher Brown, noted that “Bobbi Kristina is not and has never been married to Nick Gordon.”

The news creates even more questions about who would receive Bobbi’s estate if she passed away. When Whitney died of an accidental drowning related to cocaine use and heart disease in February of 2012, she left nearly $20 million to her daughter. Whitney’s mother, Cissy Houston, went to court to challenge the inheritance later that year. It appears the Houstons and Browns could be facing off in a courtroom once again.

What if Kristina Brown Bobbi’s relatives hope for her to recover, they’ll have to put aside their differences and come together during this difficult time. No one should ever let greed get in the way of giving a family member the help he or she needs. Right now, Bobbi needs a support system more than ever before.

The question is what do you think about Bobbi Kristina Brown’s apparent suicide attempt? Will the Browns and Houstons realize what’s truly important or continue to feud over Whitney’s estate, now Bobbi’s estate? Does Bobbi have a chance to pull through despite of the chaos that surrounds her? Let us know what you think in the comments below and check CDL often for the latest updates on Bobbi’s condition.

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