The little girl, Myriam who fled with her family from ISIS as they advanced her village near Mosul, now lives in an shopping mall in northern Iraq.
She was asked by a reporter from an Arabic Christian station SAT-7, how she would wish to retaliate, if given a chance.
Myriam told the reporter how much their lives had changed in the mall in Erbil, where she and her family live with dozens of other families.
"We used to have a house and were entertained, whereas here we are not. But thank God, God provides for us."
Asked to explain further, Myriam said: "God loves us and wouldn't let ISIS kill us." explained.
The reporter followed this up with her question about retaliation.
Myriam said: "I won't do anything to them. I will only ask God to forgive them."
She also thanked the reporter at the end for the interview. "You felt for me. I had some feelings and I wanted people to know how I feel."
Two other girls from her village, Qaraqosh, were also interviewed. Flourine and Maryouma were asked what they missed.
Florine said: "Our school and our church."
Maryouma said: "Jesus will be with us no matter where we go."
Asked whether Jesus was with them, Flourine said: "Yes, in our hearts."
The children and women who did not escape the advance were kidnapped and forced into sex slavery.