A dog died and the owner took it to pastor Akpos.
He asked Akpos if he could organise a funeral service for the dead animal.
Pastor Akpos: No, we can’t hold a service for your dog in our church. But there is a church down the street, maybe they will do it for you.
Man: But pastor, will that church accept a donation of $ 1million?
Pastor Akpos shouted and asked, “why didn’t you tell me the dog was a Christian?”
Akpos get home at midnight and knocks the door:
Wife: Go back to where you are coming from!
Akpos: Open the door or I will throw myself into the swimming pool!
Wife: Go ahead and kill yourself, do you think I care?
**So Akpos stands near the dark part of the gate and waits for 2 minutes, takes a big stone and throws it into the swimming pool !!!!..Scheweew..!!!!
**Wife hears, opens the door and runs towards the swimming pool. Akpos quickly sneaks into the house then locks the door.
Wife: Open the door or I will shout!!
Akpos: Shout till all the neighbours wake up and come here. Tell them where you are coming from by this time of the night with only a pant and bra!