
As you get older an active lifestyle becomes much more essential to your well being than ever before. Physical activity is the number one longevity factor, contributing extra years to your life. It just doesn’t add years to your life, it adds life to your years.
Each day brings the opportunity for you to give up your sedentary lifestyle for a refreshingly active one. If you will put your body into action, it will help improve your stamina, maintain immunity, and control your weight. Therefore, we present to you the best health and fitness tips for an active body.

Choose the Exercise You Like Best

There is a long list of different physical activities out there and picking the perfect ones might get a bit intimidating for a newbie. This is why it is best to get a detailed online review of the different exercises such as yoga, Pilates, HIIT, weight training, and cardio. You could even get in touch with a fitness trainer to understand where your fitness requirements lie and what would suit you the best.

Exercise Daily

Once you have decided your workout routine, you need to make sure to carry it out on a daily basis. This way you could do it for 20- 30 minutes and make it light as well, as opposed to a strenuous regime that It lasts for an hour and is done only thrice a week.

Slow and Steady Wins the Race

We know how motivated everyone is to start their journey to fitness. But we must make sure not to wear ourselves out in all the excitement. While working out, it is important to maintain a steady pace. For instance, if you’re doing squats, start off with 15 reps a day and then keep increasing it gradually, up to 20, 25, and so on.

Watch What You Eat

Staying active might literally mean to get your body moving but fitness primarily consists of 70% diet and 30% exercise. Therefore, it is super important to monitor your diet and adhere to lean meats such as turkey and chicken. Seafood like, lobster, and tilapia are perfect alternatives as well. Both foods are full of protein and balanced nutrients to better match and train the body for workouts.

Monitor the Portion Sizes

Always, make sure to watch the portion size of the food you consume. Having a healthy metabolism benefits from getting meals portioned. Instead of making three big meals during the day, seek to schedule eating six times a day and setting smaller portion sizes. And since you will have less food in your digestive system, you will be using more calories for your workout.

Keep Trying Different Routines

People who alter their training twice a month were more inclined to adhere to their routine than those who modified their regimens whenever they wanted to. It’s best to remember that there is no hard and fast rule to this, so it’s okay to mix things up once in a while, but it is then important to stick to them for at least two weeks.

Find a Fitness Friend

You are bound to pick habits from the people you surround yourself with. Therefore, it would be great to have a fellow gym buddy or fitness the friend who could keep you motivated and assist you in your workouts, making them more fun and exciting.

Final Word

Getting an active body might have seemed tough to you before but we’re sure that with the help of our suggested tips, you’ll be well on your way to having the perfect active body.

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